Frequently Asked Questions

This site is run by one person. Not only is this person human, but they are also running this as a sideproject.

Please send an email to with the heading "TagSuggestion". Without the correct heading the email will not be seen.

If I agree with the suggested addition/removal/changing of the tag I will then update it.

The more structured the suggestion is, the likelier it is I fix it.

See the first question, same procedure if you want to see a change.

The criteria for adding a card is that a person is clearly visible, ruling out many cards only featuring animals for example. There are also cards where the person is to hard to 'Tag' properly, and those are also left out. If you think I'm missing a card however, please send an email with the heading "CardSuggestion" to If the title does not include "CardSuggestion", the email will not be seen.

The exact criteria behind each tag is known only to me, and you might very well have misunderstood the meaning behind it.

The likelihood of me removing a tag due to some bigot not liking these findings, please see the first question on how you suggest a change.

I'm a developer, not an artist. For suggestions on how to fix for example small screen sizes, please email me at

I developed this page as fast as possible, using Blazor sped that up at the cost of having to depend on alot of JS. Might add a plain html site in the future.

Send suggestions to, donate some money with a message / email me which donation belonged to you and I MIGHT listen.

It's cheap in money, about 70 dollars per year, but each set + correction takes many hours of work which I don't spend on more lucrative sites. Donations help motivate that work.

Easiest way to measure engagement, I assume everyone who doesn't want to be included run with Ublock or similar, which I also use, so no hard feelings.

In time probably yes, but I'm doing this on my own for free. To motivate me you can use the donate page.